
军训的生活是苦乐交织的,教官的严格训练让我们体会到了军队里生活的辛酸。也让我们体会到了坚持下来的愉快。凡事必先苦而后甜嘛。这次军训得的第一名与教官的严格训练和我们的汗水是分不开的,阳光总在风雨后,这话一点也没错。 的翻译是:Life is bitter tussle for military training, instructor training and let us feel the bitterness of army life. Experience let us to keep happy time. Must makes and in all things sweet. First name of this military training and the training of instructors and we sweat are inseparable, the Sun after the 中文翻译英文意思,翻译英语



欢迎光临:军训的生活是苦乐交织的,教官的严格训练让我们体会到了军队里生活的辛酸。也让我们体会到了坚持下来的愉快。凡事必先苦而后甜嘛。这次军训得的第一名与教官的严格训练和我们的汗水是分不开的,阳光总在风雨后,这话一点也没错。 的翻译是:Life is bitter tussle for military training, instructor training and let us feel the bitterness of army life. Experience let us to keep happy time. Must makes and in all things sweet. First name of this military training and the training of instructors and we sweat are inseparable, the Sun after the 中文翻译英文意思,翻译英语

英语翻译打军体拳,站军姿,走正步,体验部队生活翻译成英文怎么说 - 雨露学习互助

军训的生活是苦乐交织的,教官的严格训练让我们体会到了军队里生活的辛酸。也让我们体会到了坚持下来的愉快。凡事必先苦而后甜嘛。这次军训得的第一名与教官的严格训练和我们的汗水是分不开的,阳光总在风雨后,这话一点也没错。 的翻译是:Life is bitter tussle for military training, instructor training and let us feel the bitterness of army life. Experience let us to keep happy time. Must makes and in all things sweet. First name of this military training and the training of instructors and we sweat are inseparable, the Sun after the 中文翻译英文意思,翻译英语




英语在线翻译,在线词典 - 听力课堂在线翻译






军训的生活是苦乐交织的,教官的严格训练让我们体会到了军队里生活的辛酸。也让我们体会到了坚持下来的愉快。凡事必先苦而后甜嘛。这次军训得的第一名与教官的严格训练和我们的汗水是分不开的,阳光总在风雨后,这话一点也没错。 的翻译是:Life is bitter tussle for military training, instructor training and let us feel the bitterness of army life. Experience let us to keep happy time. Must makes and in all things sweet. First name of this military training and the training of instructors and we sweat are inseparable, the Sun after the 中文翻译英文意思,翻译英语的技术团队

军训的生活是苦乐交织的,教官的严格训练让我们体会到了军队里生活的辛酸。也让我们体会到了坚持下来的愉快。凡事必先苦而后甜嘛。这次军训得的第一名与教官的严格训练和我们的汗水是分不开的,阳光总在风雨后,这话一点也没错。 的翻译是:Life is bitter tussle for military training, instructor training and let us feel the bitterness of army life. Experience let us to keep happy time. Must makes and in all things sweet. First name of this military training and the training of instructors and we sweat are inseparable, the Sun after the 中文翻译英文意思,翻译英语 军训的生活是苦乐交织的,教官的严格训练让我们体会到了军队里生活的辛酸。也让我们体会到了坚持下来的愉快。凡事必先苦而后甜嘛。这次军训得的第一名与教官的严格训练和我们的汗水是分不开的,阳光总在风雨后,这话一点也没错。 的翻译是:Life is bitter tussle for military training, instructor training and let us feel the bitterness of army life. Experience let us to keep happy time. Must makes and in all things sweet. First name of this military training and the training of instructors and we sweat are inseparable, the Sun after the 中文翻译英文意思,翻译英语

军训的生活是苦乐交织的,教官的严格训练让我们体会到了军队里生活的辛酸。也让我们体会到了坚持下来的愉快。凡事必先苦而后甜嘛。这次军训得的第一名与教官的严格训练和我们的汗水是分不开的,阳光总在风雨后,这话一点也没错。 的翻译是:Life is bitter tussle for military training, instructor training and let us feel the bitterness of army life. Experience let us to keep happy time. Must makes and in all things sweet. First name of this military training and the training of instructors and we sweat are inseparable, the Sun after the 中文翻译英文意思,翻译英语的客服